Body Mind Osteopathy
Highgate, Islington & Camden, North London

About myself

My own journey began and continues with personal involvement in meditation, bodywork and Taoist movement practices, both individually and in groups. After training as a soft tissue therapist in the 1980’s I wanted to deepen my understanding of the body, health and well-being. As part of this movement, I took up further study and qualified as an osteopath in 1998. In recent years I have returned to the Tai Chi and Qi Gong practices which I first began over 30 years ago.
These are some of the influences that inform my osteopathic practice. I aim to bring a 'mindful' approach to the osteopathic sessions. I find that osteopathy is a helpful way of working with this connection between body and mind. The act of being present with and ‘witnessing’ another can in itself support our innate capacity to rebalance.

I take part in ongoing reflective practice, study and exploration with other osteopaths. This has included participation the 'Osteomap' programme - (osteopathy, mindfulness and acceptance programme for persistent pain) - which involves exploring ways of integrating meditative and mindfulness based approaches into osteopathic practice. Osteomap and mindfulness principles can be very helpful for those experiencing acute pain as well as those with more persistent pain.

How I work osteopathically

I aim to support your health by focussing on those areas of your body that need attention, as well as helping you identify the areas of your life that may be out of balance and contributing to your symptoms, eg lifestyle, outlook, actvities. I use a blend of many different approaches, depending on what you need at that time. Examination is often carried out simultaneously to treatment, both at the first and at any future sessions. As well as examining painful areas, often this will involve examining and moving other parts of your body. A session can typically include gentle rocking movements of your neck, spine, arms and legs, and gentle holding approaches, to help your body relax and to release restricted joints and tight muscles.

What treatment involves and how it can help:

soft tissue work - similar to massage. Improves lymphatic drainage, circulation, and also enhances relaxation
deep tissue work - as the name suggests, deeper work on the muscles and connective tissues
rhythmical movement and rocking techniques, - improving mobility and drainage from injured and congested areas, helping stiff joints unwind, reducing congestion and pain. People often experience this as deeply relaxing.
cranial work and gentle holding , focussing on different areas of the body (not just the head), tuning into the subtle movements in the body and energy, letting your body tissues unwind at their own pace

For more information and bookings:
Call 07941 531 737

West Hill House, 6 Swains Lane, N6 6QS
You are welcome to call me with any questions you have.
Email is for non urgent enquiries only please. It is always better to call rather than email.

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Sue Step Registered Osteopath,
Registered with The General Osteopathic Council,
Member of the Institute of Osteopathy.
Cranial and Structural, Mindful based approach, North London, Highgate, Gospel Oak, Islington & Camden areas

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